My Bio for the Art of Love exhibit, Greensburg PA.
Dennis C. Lee
I've done a TON of artwork in my life, and have had it displayed in galleries from here to Manila, as well as published in magazines and books. Most remarkably, the books The Art Of Rock (Abbeville Press, 1987) and STREETART (Last Gasp, 1981). I believe it was Peter Belsito who referred to me as 'a pioneer of DIY'. He had seen my art on flyers advertising bands that played the San Francisco Bay Area as well as my anonymous poster style of placing my art in unusual public places, Banksy-style. Or, since I did it years before Banksy (who submitted early work to one of my art publications), perhaps he should refer to his method as 'Lee-style'.
How much of this is brag? 100%. But it's all true.
When I moved back to my hometown in western Pennsylvania in the mid 90's, I began a new direction in both my art and philosophy, which to me have always been melded together.
It began with my interest in symbolism. I'd been using an anhk-like symbol to represent an esoteric group I'd formed in SF called the Masters of Gnosis. Once in PA I'd altered it to represent my renewed interest in Time and its prospect of Eternity. It is also meant as symbol of guidance from anquish for those who are afflicted with a fear of Time.
This is it; I call it the 'Prospect'.
Variations in decorations and mutations are allowed. I've purposely NOT gotten a copy write in order to expand its use. Tattoos of the prospect are encouraged. My desire is to make Eternalism available as a social phenomena as much as possible. I believe Eternalist thought patterns can advance our species in extraordinary positive ways. I believe it can save our species from extinction.
Here are a few variations on the Prospect,
Feel free.
Here are a few of the digital artworks I have created using the Prospect;
I've done a TON of artwork in my life, and have had it displayed in galleries from here to Manila, as well as published in magazines and books. Most remarkably, the books The Art Of Rock (Abbeville Press, 1987) and STREETART (Last Gasp, 1981). I believe it was Peter Belsito who referred to me as 'a pioneer of DIY'. He had seen my art on flyers advertising bands that played the San Francisco Bay Area as well as my anonymous poster style of placing my art in unusual public places, Banksy-style. Or, since I did it years before Banksy (who submitted early work to one of my art publications), perhaps he should refer to his method as 'Lee-style'.
How much of this is brag? 100%. But it's all true.
When I moved back to my hometown in western Pennsylvania in the mid 90's, I began a new direction in both my art and philosophy, which to me have always been melded together.
It began with my interest in symbolism. I'd been using an anhk-like symbol to represent an esoteric group I'd formed in SF called the Masters of Gnosis. Once in PA I'd altered it to represent my renewed interest in Time and its prospect of Eternity. It is also meant as symbol of guidance from anquish for those who are afflicted with a fear of Time.
This is it; I call it the 'Prospect'.
Variations in decorations and mutations are allowed. I've purposely NOT gotten a copy write in order to expand its use. Tattoos of the prospect are encouraged. My desire is to make Eternalism available as a social phenomena as much as possible. I believe Eternalist thought patterns can advance our species in extraordinary positive ways. I believe it can save our species from extinction.
Here are a few variations on the Prospect,
Feel free.
Here are a few of the digital artworks I have created using the Prospect;
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