The Multiple Lives Theory as presented by Eternalism.

Reincarnation is obvious to me.

The question is; HOW to reincarnate? Is there a map or an exercise I should do?

It came to me, then. We die, the cells and atoms move on. They at times unite with like cells and atoms to become connected to other lifeforms to become larger lifeforms. And other life moves on as well, within the same time period. What was once you is now many living things at once.

No wonder memory is so difficult to transfer after death. And yet sometimes, I have discovered through experience, memory CAN survive. What I haven't been able as yet to do is DUPLICATE that experience, so that I would have further knowledge of it, perhaps even understand how to use it to carry not just MEMORY, but also KNOWLEDGE into the next life, so that the next conscious being you become does not merely have to experience to learn, and therefore not rely on old age to come to her, but to be born with more instinct than previous generations of her species.

One test we are wanting to start regards focusing on our symbol, the 'Eternalist Butterfly', if you will.

By focusing, mediating and consciously applying the symbol daily, can it become a permanent reference for spirituality in your life?

Instinctively recalling the symbol might help us identify with other Eternalists in our next lives.


  1. I believe in literal reincarnation. Nothing mystical about it. My offspring are half of me, in a new body. It seems obvious.

  2. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, so some sort of reincarnation is the law.


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