FOOL CYCLE 2 - Daily twists and turns of our thought dimensions
First, I'd like you to do an exercise, simple and non-physical, to be a channel for knowledge about the personal cycles you go through throughout the day.
Without touching with your hands, feel the front of your brain, behind the scull of your forehead.
You imagine a feeling, a touch that is created by the mind itself. Or is it YOUR mind yourself? Or the mind YOURSELF.
Now, at that imaginary yet real point of feeling, make it slowly move through your head to the back, slow as you feel like going,...
That's the exercise. I would love any feedback you may have about this experiment. Should we take it further? Where would YOU have it go from there?
We are different people as we go through our days, usually filled with routine, ironic because there is very little that goes on in these times which can be called 'routine'. It seems chaos gets the edge more often as we watch the news. So, what we almost automatically follow as routines, must be dealt with with a highly attentive mind. Most jobs require that. We're not free to daydream during those hours, though we often do. It makes work difficult sometimes, doesn't it? It seems the routine itself is a stern master, and we long to rebel.
Fortunate time itself comes to our rescue, gradually slowing us down toward our dark night and its deep secrets. If Eternalists would be said to have a god, that god would have to be time, sometimes referred to by Eternalists as Time Itself or Tempus (Greek for time).
This generation in their 20's and 30's now, I love their drive and energy - they try to pump up their evenings up to and past the hours where they ought to sleep, to turn off the ping-pong brain so that it can be balanced clear and rested for the next day. Of course EVERY generation of young adults does their most challenging endeavors during those years. It's a part of the natural life cycle that is embedded in our instinct, not to mention our biology.
Another, larger exercise; DDJ; Drawing Dream Journal.
Put a blank tablet and some drawing utensil on your bed-stand or somewhere near you when you sleep. I advise paper without lines, but it doesn't matter that much. In fact, customize your journal, make it YOURS. Whenever you wake with a dream still in your head, write it down or draw something about it that will remind you of the dream later in the day.
What may happen is, later in the day if you look at what you'd written it will seem very strange, you can hardly believe you would write and draw that, let alone have an actual dream about it OR you might not remember the dream or using the dream journal at all.
Next; The proper use of TRIGGER WORDS.
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